Hey there,
Hope you’re safe and healthy!
I’m taking a break from posting because apart from my day job, I’m also knee-deep in volunteering work for Act Grants, a non-profit with a simple goal - to help get oxygen to those who need it, asap!
Now that I’m a part of this, I realise the urgency even more. We’re trying our best.
“How can I help?”
Well, if you’ve EVER felt like paying for Bank on Basak, please consider donating the same amount to us (or anyone else from the list I shared last week). Your money can buy another oxygen concentrator, which can help save another life.
“Is there any other way?”
Yes! Get vaccinated. Vaccines work. I hope you’ve registered by now. Convince your friends and family as well (if they are eligible, age and health-wise). Stay home. Help break the chain. 🙏🏽
Talk soon!
Till then, take care.
You can reach out to me at anirudha@bankonbasak.com or LinkedIN or Twitter. Meanwhile, share this around?
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