On CRED Mint and the P2P Lending Industry
There are two big lenders you messed.
Capital float was the biggest in terms of disbursement and had skin in the game. And product wise had the best one. Unfortunate the p2p regulations are a dampner for the sector and doesn't allow platforms to make much money
- Vineet, ex capital float
9% pre tax is 6.3% post tax
If you're lending minimum 1 L you're in top bracket
PF seems better option 7.2% tax free with zero risk
Only downside of PF is that it has little or zero liquidity
Even Debt Funds seem better option than P2P lending
Even CPs seem good till recently Adani Enterprises was borrowing at 8.1% annualized yield for 91 day paper
There are two big lenders you messed.
Capital float was the biggest in terms of disbursement and had skin in the game. And product wise had the best one. Unfortunate the p2p regulations are a dampner for the sector and doesn't allow platforms to make much money
- Vineet, ex capital float
9% pre tax is 6.3% post tax
If you're lending minimum 1 L you're in top bracket
PF seems better option 7.2% tax free with zero risk
Only downside of PF is that it has little or zero liquidity
Even Debt Funds seem better option than P2P lending
Even CPs seem good till recently Adani Enterprises was borrowing at 8.1% annualized yield for 91 day paper