Just a small correction, if you may allow about "Interest rate is 9.25%" for ECLGS scheme:
For ECLGS, max. interest rate will be 9.25% during the tenure of loan. There are many corporates which I know have availed these credit lines at even below 8.5% levels and many who availed it in July may have even availed it at 8% level.
You're right Ankur. In fact, "100% guaranteed" is also a simplification: It is actually "75% guaranteed, to be paid within 30 days, and 25% to be repaid once recovery is complete". However, I chose to avoid these details consciously. Nonetheless, thank you for providing this link.
Thanks for this Anirudha!!
Just a small correction, if you may allow about "Interest rate is 9.25%" for ECLGS scheme:
For ECLGS, max. interest rate will be 9.25% during the tenure of loan. There are many corporates which I know have availed these credit lines at even below 8.5% levels and many who availed it in July may have even availed it at 8% level.
For an example, you may look at: https://www.indianbank.in/departments/ind-gecls-covid-19/#:~:text=Rate%20of%20interest%20will%20not,entire%20tenure%20of%20the%20loan.&text=Helpline%20Numbers%20%26%20Email%20ID%20for%20queries%2C%20facilitations%20and%20Grievances.
Thanks again!!
You're right Ankur. In fact, "100% guaranteed" is also a simplification: It is actually "75% guaranteed, to be paid within 30 days, and 25% to be repaid once recovery is complete". However, I chose to avoid these details consciously. Nonetheless, thank you for providing this link.